  • 13-05-2024

FUUAST Electrical Engineering Students Shine at NAMALTECH EXPO-2024

We are thrilled to announce that our talented Electrical Engineering students have secured the 2nd Runner-up Position at the NAMALTECH EXPO-2024, an esteemed inter-university robotics competition held at NAMAL University.

This competition brought together some of the brightest minds from various universities, all showcasing their innovative robotic projects. Our students' success in this highly competitive environment is a testament to their hard work, creativity, and technical expertise.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our students for their remarkable achievement. We also appreciate the invaluable guidance and support provided by Dr. Hashim Safdar, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, and Dr. Fargham Sandhu, Head of the Robotics Society. Their mentorship played a crucial role in this success.

Vice Chancellor Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, Incharge Campus Dr. Ihtisham ul Haq Padda, and Dr. Rahat Ullah, Incharge Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, also express their pride and congratulations to the students for their outstanding performance.

Well done, students! You have made us proud.

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