Dr. Mahtab Ahmad Khan
Assistant Professor

I am interested in a variety of problems in the arena of theoretical condensed matter physics. The major focus of my research has been on unique properties of two dimensional (2D) materials, such as graphene single-layer (SL) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) such as MoS2, WS2, MoSe2, WSe2 and newly discovered SL transition metal monodichalcogenides such as GaSe and GaS. When materials are thinned down to the atomic dimensions, rich and intriguing properties emerge that have been impossible to extract from their 3D counterparts. Atomically thin materials are of interest for a wide range of properties: electrical and thermal conduction, mechanical reinforcement of composites, membranes and filters, battery electrodes, biocompatible materials, and more. Researchers are discovering new fundamental properties of atomically thin materials, and using these properties for new technological applications. I am interested in the fundamental physics that emerges from 2D materials. I use computational techniques such as density functional theory and analytical modeling to investigate the electronic, optical and magnetic properties of 2D materials. I am currently working on: 1. Electronic, optical and magnetic properties of Lanthanum substitutional defects in single-layer TMDCs. 2. Single photon emission in single-layer WSe2. 3. Spin transport in 2D materials 4. Electron-phonon interaction in 2D materials 5. Influence of structure defects on the magnetic properties of atomically thin VS_2 and VSe_2.

Research Interests: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics.

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